Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Oh for the love of the digital generation!

I love this digital generation!  As a mom it is the answer to staying in touch with your children through out the ups and downs of life on a daily basis in the blink of an eye.  I don't know how I did it before the world of texting.  Looking back at this past week I have been able to chat back and forth though out the day with all of my kids.  It's been a tough week for one of our daughters and sons this week with breakups and the mostly downs of married life, and one daughter who experienced an earthquake!  My heart breaks and aches for them and I wish I could fix the wounds like I could when they were little with a bandaide, kiss, and a big hug.  Not so easy any more now that they are all grown.  They have lives of their own and they must steer their own course in life.  I see my self as a tiny little light house now only there to comfort and look ahead of the storms with words of comfort or advice if they want it...not to be in the way of their own choices.

As a Mom I want all my kids to be happy...what Mom doesn't.  But, life is not always "happy" since we are dealing with human beings, and there will be ups and downs in life no matter what since we are human.  I do however take comfort in the power of prayer in these times.  My kids are spread all over the US now with their jobs.  I can not visit with them in person like I wish I could, so I text them to let them know I am here for them and will support them in all of their life choices and decisions.

So, to the brains behind the digital generation, "I love you too, :)" and thanks for your contribution to the world of motherhood, you give us arms to stretch around the world with (((hugs))) and love for our kids at a moments notice in these oh so busy times of their lives.  <3

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