One day at a time is what I tell myself this morning as I look at the last picture I took of my Mom on Christmas day 2012. Mom passed away at her home all comfy in her chair just 30 to 45 minutes later. She hardly knew who any of us were as our family of 7 noisily gathered around the family room to exchange gifts that Christmas morning. As she gently rocked in the rocker she leaned over to me and told me I had pretty long hair and that she liked my earrings. She always told me this when she would see me, which was everyday for many years. She and Dad have lived next door to me since the late 90's.
They only stayed for a few short minutes, and after Dad told her for the second time who all of us were, she wanted to go home to eat lunch. Dad sweetly took her home and she stood in front of the gas stove to warm up. Dad was waiting for lunch to heat up as he went to stand and slowly dance with her for a few minutes. Dad was so good to my Mom. A few minutes later Dad went into the kitchen to get her meal and bring it to her. She sat down to eat as Dad went to the kitchen to get his meal. And that is when she slipped away from us that life changing day. She was a wonderful Mom and I miss her everyday.
I tell this story because I noticed I haven't blogged much since her passing. It amazes me how fast time flies as I get older. Life got super busy helping Dad make the arrangements, and helping him sort through Mom's things. Dad has had a super rough time adjusting to the loneliness and emptiness of his house. My husband and I have tried to be here to help him each day, as his 60+ years of marriage had come to an end and he lost the blue eyed love of his life. He is now 86 and still strong of mind and body. I sure hope I have inherited his genes! As I am writing this... I jump up to go look and see if the little light is burning bright on his porch to let me know he is up and moving about the's burning brightly. All is well. I sit back down and he calls...did he see me looking? haha...I don't think so. He is on his way to the store and did I need anything? Dad is such a great man and so good to us too!
I was watching the news early this morning sipping my one cup creamy Joe and the story was about YouTubing your way to wealth. Pretty cool how some people can take an ordinary hobby or passion and make millions. Thinking that is not me...but I wish! But it did remind me of my blog that I had had so much fun writing for several years. So, here I am back in the saddle again blogging.... It has been a tough three years and this Christmas was the worst so far. I hope it gets better from here. They say time will ease your pain of much time I ask?
I decided a few months ago that I had to get back to being who I was and get involved in the things I had done to stay busy before we lost Mom. As our kids grew up I had become active in a couple of quilting guilds, and sewing with a local QOV group making quilts for wounded veterans. I am glad to say I am back to being involved in sewing and spending time with these wonderful friends again! I just finished a beautiful quilt designed by my sweet friend Pam who plans to give them to a few WWII vets in a nursing home close by.

Pam has been a wonderful quilting buddy friend to me for many years. I have learned so much from her about neat quilting techniques and ways to make beautiful quilts. She inspired me to be better than, "just good enough." ...a joke of ours! She has a love and passion for quilting that I have not seen in any one else. Her creations are some of the most intricate and beautiful quilts I have ever had the pleasure to see and touch. She's always been so bubbly and so full of life! A most giving person I have never met. But, life has it's ups and downs and Pam lost her husband several months ago...just after she found out she has pancreatic cancer. That didn't stop her...she has decided we need to get quilts made for these vets! She is a fighter...hang in there Pam!
Life is short and so very precious...treasure the a blink of an eye the moments become your memories...and sometimes it is your last memories of someone you have loved your whole life.