Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Sweet Rewards!

Every now and then I have one of those days where I feel like I am going to go stark raving mad about anything that comes into my path!  Of course I don't go crazy mad...but, with dealing with the break in, forms, and more forms, police reports, phone calls, and trying to find information for the forms, I could have lost it!

I was hunting for something that I don't even remember what now.  I seem to spend a big chunk of my life looking for something!  But, that is also a good thing about memory is I forgive and forget quickly.

 Anyway, I hunted all over my sewing room so it might have been something sewing related, or something that was filed away in this super packed room.  As I hunted and searched under this bunch of books, inside of all the drawers, behind everything, that is when I found it!  Not the item I was looking for...oh no, I found a sweet reward!  Yes, I found a York Peppermint Patty I had squirled away a few weeks ago and forgotten about.  Now I would love to tell you I found what I was looking for...but I can't remember if I did or not.  All I remember is the joy of eating that sweet Peppermint Patty!

Bet your wondering why I hid a York Peppermint Patty?  We have a candy moocher in our house!!  :0
Think I will go out and buy another sweet reward and hide it for another one of my mad crazy days...

Friday, June 11, 2010

The shock of a break in!

Yesterday was one of those days that started out well but ended in crazy activity, and emotional ups and downs mixed with crazy fear!  Having your front yard covered up in cops and their cars flashing their blue lights is not my idea of excitement. 

The morning was an easy one with me in my sewing room working on my Shop Hop quilt while the kids slept.  By early afternoon our teenage son and daughter were coming and going, to and from, with friends in the usual flurry of summer activity.  Late in the afternoon the door bell rang, Layla and Gracie were barking wildly and as I approached the front door I noticed it was two of my son's friends looking quite distressed and agitated.  The bigger one asked if he was home?  I said yes and at that moment the third guy in the drive way spotted my son coming from the back of the house.  The two boys ran off the front porch to meet the third and my son in the drive way.  So, I closed the door and locked it because I felt a sense of unease with their presence.  They apparently asked my son to drive them home and he told them he was not hanging with
them anymore and no he would not drive them.

A few minutes later my husband came home from work.  About 5 minutes after that our son came into our room and asked to borrow some gas money.   We talked about learning to budget his money then gave him the 10 with the promise he would return with a gas receipt and he left.  My husband goes to the kitchen and I answer the phone.

 My boss and I were having a quick shop talk conversation when I hear the basement door being bumped hard, not unusual for that sticky door.  I then hear it being bumped again and loud movement like there was a fight going on down there.  I get off the phone and run down stairs only to see that the basement door had just been kicked open and three young men running out!  I ran after them but two ran to the right around the house and the bigger one that was too large to jump the fence ran to the left through the gate. 

It was then that it hits me that I knew these boys as the three that had come to the door earlier and they were getting revenge or something!  I yelled stop and come back like I would have with any kid doing wrong at my house....expecting them to turn around and come back and say they were sorry.  I have been a mom to long...

But, these were good kids several years ago I was thinking, and we would have them over weekly to spend the night and have dinner with us.  It is then that it hits me we have just been robed.  They took my sons lap top, game system, and new Nike shoes.
I called the police in shock!  Then it hits me that I could have gotten hurt!!!  Now that is not a fear you experience every day.

To see the damage to our brand new door knobs, paint, and finished basement shocked me. To realize that they knew we were home and they broke in anyway scares the whits out of me.  To have to write a police report is tense.  To have your yard covered up in cops and their cars and linning the street in front of your house is stomach turning. 

That is one day that I do not want to live over.  It is hard to get up this morning and face the day...the shock of a break in lasts for a while.