He worked some crazy long days laying wood flooring, painting inside and out, bathroom make over, kitchen and lighting updates...the list goes on! We on the other hand were there for the barn rasing to be his helpers...we worked and sweated right along beside him till our feet and arms ached too...wouldn't change a thing...it was such a blessing to spend so much time with him! We now look forward to getting his letters and what great joy there is when we do!!!
Our son shipped out for basic training on April 24th and we are so proud of him even though our hearts are sad to see him go. He is now finishing up his third week of basic, as a college graduate at 32 years of age being surrounded by recruits of 18 and 19! It was a tough decision for him but with the job market the way it is, he felt there was little choice in the matter.
After that comes the maintenance upkeep on a house for sale, so we are constantly going out there and looking after his place. It is good to get there and see that all is well in his house, but after we see all is well comes the realization that he is not here and will not be back to this house again! Then we get sad all over again. This has been a huge roller coaster ride for us going out to his house several times a week, so we greatly anticipate the closing of his house on May the 24th.
All the while we have daughter number three graduating from high school on May the 26th. Now any Mom who has rasied a daughter and gotten one through high school in that last year... knows what a full time emotional job that is! Not the mention the expense of that last year of high school what with ring, pictures, cap and gown fees, senior dues, and all the T-shirts etc. that go along with this ride! She is such a joy and delight to live with and seeing her go away to college will be another bump in the road of life for me. So many changes at one time is hard on a mom for sure!
I kind of see life as a road with all of the physical aspects of a road...you have your super high ways, and back roads, pot holes, and mountain views...all of which bring on different emotions. You can go around the bend and right before you are three huge pot holes or over a hill and down below a beautiful pasture unfolds it's glory. Life has it's good days and bad days and they all go together to make a story.
Once I had dream about just this subject of roads and life. I remember there were these three pot holes ahead of me and I could not figure out how to get around them. I could see a road up ahead to the right with trees on each side that looked peaceful, and over the hill looking down I could see a beautiful blue lake. The road seemed to go right into the lake...now that part was a little disturbing to me. Still don't understand the dream or what it ment but I realized that life is kind of like that...so enjoy the ride...it may get bumpy with pot holes but there will be smooth paths ahead when life takes a turn and smooth sailing too I guess at times when you least expect it! :)
Life is indeed a journey ....so enjoy the ride!
Thanks for visiting with me today!
what a great post, thanks for sharing your dream it was poetic.