Wow! What a crazy few weeks this has been! I have never been so tired in all my life as I was the Saturday night of Shop Hop working 10.5 hours on my feet. I felt every bit of my 55 years that day.
Of course it wasn't just that Saturday that made me so tired. It all started with the Sewing Expo the week before. If you sew, you have to go to the Sewing Expo! Every creater's dream of toys to buy and look at under one roof!!! The biggest names in machinery are there with their top of the line machines. Every tool you have ever dreamed of using right before your eyes to buy on the spot. Too much for the senses of this sewing quilter to resist and yes...I did spend some money! Not too much of course...I only broke out the plastic once. But, I got little widgets, tools, and pretty fabrics to carefully put in my pink bag to take home and play with.
I stayed all day from opening to closing and hoped to win the prize drawing of a new sewing machine....not like I need a new machine though...I have too many already! It is the thrill of the possible win that counts! But, I did not win anything...I was not surprised really...I never do...but well worth the thrill anyway of waiting for your name to be called! I was planning to go back a second day with my niece and her daughter but I got called into work instead. That was a tough call for me and having spent all that money the day before. Tough call, I needed to work for my boss, but wanting to spend another day at the Expo with the girls!!! I love, love, love my job and want to hang onto it, so the job won out. I have never had a job I loved from the bottom of my sewing basket of a heart my boss is the best!
Well, from there life took a huge hurried pace getting ready for Shop Hop where 11 stores in the metro area all participate in a big shopping frenzy of a weekend! Where quilters from all over the southeast gather to try and hit all 11 stores to get the freebies, collect the charms, and get our passports stamped for the grand prize!!! All the while finding more pretty fabrics, books, and patterns to sew into beautiful quilts. I was working everyday helping in the shop all week!
I was cutting fat 8 packs as fast as my fingers could move, 1 yard packs, and what ever else M needed me to do. It was so much fun and excitement getting the shop ready for her big first time to do Shop Hop. My friend T and I took time off and participated in the Shop Hop Thursday and Friday running to all 11 stores!!! Weeee, it was so much fun seeing all these pretty stores and their neat selections of fabrics!!! So, by Friday night I was pooped out. Only to get up and be at the shop by 9:00am on Saturday for my big opportunity to be a part of the big shopping frenzy working in our store!! I had a blast with the stamping of passports and helping customers with their orders. By Sunday time to arrive at the shop I was in a quilting brain fog of a mind was quilting overload!!! I was happy but had no energy to sew!!! Yikes, that has never happened to me before...too tired to sew!!!
So, was what a fast paced, fun packed, body taxing, brain expanding, pocket book crashing, totally fantastic two weeks for me!!!! Let's do it again next year!!!