Thursday, January 7, 2010


Welcome to the new year! 2010, it seems so future-ish! I am not sure I am ready for this new year. Recently as I was contemplating my goals for the new year, I became too overwhelmed to continue. The realization hit me that I need another lifetime to get to all I want to do done. I thought about listing most of what I would love to learn and do just this year, but will not put anyone who might just read this blog through that boring list either. But, I will say dolls are a part of my goals for this year!

A very dear friend asked me recently where the "dolls" are that go with quiltndollmaker on my blog? Well, dear friend...dolls are easier to give away through the years than quilts...well my quilts anyway! So, all that I have left, I think, are the ones in my guest room. There may be some in the attic but... umm, that is another area on my list we will not talk about. You see, I also can not seem to part with any thing that might possibly be of use someday.

Anyway, I have made all kinds of dolls such as the Cabbage Patch look a-likes or sort of look was said that some of mine looked more like little fat old lady babies! I have created sock monkeys with the red butt and some without the red butt, that my son didn't like. There was a phase of making the stocking dolls with ladies that was not a winter sort of thing to do with dish water dry hands...ewww...snag...a run in the upper leg area of your hosery is stopable with clear finger nail polish...but not too cute on a dolls face!

Oh, and my favorite was the Little House on the Praire dolls you see above that all my girls have played with. I plan to make my own version of these this year. They have several outfits and if you look close you can see the love they have endured on their faces. The rabbit dolls were a joy to make and creating the dresses were truly fun! The last one on the end was a doll kit, not so much fun.

Well, there are more I could talk about but this is what comes to mind off the top of my head. So, my dear friend I have now included the "dolls" part of Quiltndollmaker into my blog! Thanks for the encouragement and see you at the shop soon!

You know you made my day when you told me you read my blog...I thought I was the only one! =)

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