But pay no attention to the date on the pictures!! I am camera stupid even though my Dad retired from Kodak! So, I went round and round with the menu on my camera and strangled the date stamp...it will not frustrate me
anymore. I have been told I am a bit tenacious...yep!
These are my Yellow Ribbon Quilts for the men in Claudia's step sons troop in Afganistan. Our Quilters In Stitches met on a Saturday and a Monday night to sew up a storm and get at least 35 quilts completed to send to the troop by Christmas!
I enjoyed sewing on these quilts so much and the pattern is so easy. If you are interested in getting involved in making a quit to send please check out her blog, and also see the pictures of our guild at work!! http://yellowribbonquilt.blogspot.com/
What a great project! The quilts are beautiful!